Human Origins: Where Did We Come From? – The Shankara Experience

Human Origins: Where Did We Come From?

Recently, scientists have figured out the methods and technology needed to hypothetically create a baby universe. At first, this discovery is extremely fascinating, but then the reality sets in–what does that mean for our universe? What does that mean for the origin of humankind?

If you have ever wondered how we all came into existence, this scientific advancement should strike your interest. If we, as a very young race, have figured out what would be needed to create an entirely new universe, what stops other advanced civilizations, species, and divine beings from doing the same?

The universe is more ancient than we could even conceptualize, but Earth has only been around for a few short billions of years. Believe what you’d like, but the best way to get to a conclusion is to explore the theories yourself!

The Big Bang

Until this very moment, the most popular theory about the creation of the universe among scientists is the Big Bang. Without having been there to experience it ourselves, though, we might never know for sure. The first observation that spurred this theory was the realization that other galaxies were steadily moving further away from ours. They’re racing away as if they are escaping the center of an explosion.

The theory goes that around 13-15 billion years ago, all energy and matter existed within one compact point. At some point, that compacted area exploded, sending all that matter and energy away in all directions at almost the speed of light. It is believed that all elements in our universe at present exist and move as a result of this explosion. Necessarily then, humankind only exists due to the Big Bang and a series of fortunate events. The perfect combinations of matter, elements, and energy created the materials and environments necessary, leading to our existence.

Many then ask the question, “Is the Earth the center of the universe if all the other galaxies, planets, and stars are moving away from us?” At first glance, it might seem that this supports many religious theories that the Earth received extra special attention from God. In truth, it is merely an illusion that the Earth is standing still.

Just as how a cookie or cake expands in the oven, the energy and matter in the universe expand. There is no one point–chocolate chip or nut in the baked good–that stays still while the other moves away. Instead, all things are expanding and moving at the same time.

The Big Bang, while unproven, is not a farfetched theory. There are tons of explosions happening throughout the universe, and we have observed many ourselves using our technology. We also have advanced scientific principles and laws that have arisen and explained many occurrences we know have happened, making this theory even more plausible.

Unfortunately, there are a few companion theories about what the Big Bang means for the end of the universe. Some say that eventually, like a rubber band, the universe will reach a pivotal point at which it begins to collapse back in on itself by the force of gravity, otherwise known as the Big Crunch. Others have noticed that the universe seems to be accelerating its outward trajectory as if pulled by an anti-gravity force.

Apelike Ancestors

As part of the Big Bang theory, the evolution of humankind is commonly believed to have started with apes. Scientists mark the first significant stepping stone towards the present version of our species at the point when we began walking on two legs, also known as bipedalism. It wasn’t until very recently that our species began forming more complex brains that allowed us to use language and tools. Further, many philosophers use the point at which we began creating art as a significant turning point in our species’ existence.

Apes still exist, yes, but scientists explain that the human species evolved as a branch from a common ape-like ancestor and evolved alongside several other versions of evolved ape species. Today, humans are primates and closely related to apes in genetic makeup. The oldest known evidence of humans and their evolution primarily involve Africa, where most of humankind’s evolutionary journey occurred.

There are many competing theories about the number of different human species, how they ceased to exist, and what their roles were throughout time. There are theories that our human species, homo sapiens, was dominant and exterminated the other versions of our species in one way or the other. Many people also do not accept these theories, whether they don’t believe in evolution or agree that the evidence found so far proves any one solution.

Our Alien Creators

If we could hypothetically create a new universe, what stops us from believing that another civilization created ours? According to Scientific American, our universe has zero net energy and flat geometry, which makes it incredibly easy to use quantum tunneling to recreate it.

Of course, “easy” should be taken relatively. We don’t yet have the advanced technological devices to create a universe ourselves, and we still have yet to connect the theories of gravity and quantum mechanics. Still, our increasing knowledge in the areas makes the eventual ability very likely.

Our current inability to create a universe still makes our existence unproductive in the minds of this theorized creator civilization. It’s most likely that we have been designed as a stepping stone to produce more advanced societies, and we won’t be able to fulfill this purpose until we achieve universe-creating abilities. In the meantime, our race goes through an evolutionary journey, driven by Darwinian selection, until we have the advanced technology and knowledge required.

The idea that aliens have created our universe with the intention for it to evolve into another advanced civilization is the theory most thought-out by leading scientists, but the possibilities are endless. We can only rely on science so much when the potential for boundless knowledge means that so many of our theories are incorrect or not built out enough. The truth is, science is limited to understanding what we can physically test ourselves within our dimensions and universe. There’s no way to test the laws of other universes and dimensions that we have not yet accessed, and there’s no way to prove and explore immaterial occurrences and beings.

Several decades ago, the Nobel-Prize Winner, named Enrico Fermi, casually remarked that if there were aliens, we would have experienced them on Earth already. These comments sent scientists and philosophers in a tail-spin: Why haven’t we heard from aliens yet if they really do exist?

Thinks came to some conclusions. Either aliens don’t exist, they only exist as beings less intelligent than ourselves, or that they have come to Earth and we just haven’t noticed!

The last possibility is more likely than you think. For example, there is a theory that many human beings walking among us are actually Starseeds, or reincarnated aliens from other planets and universes that have come to help humankind advance and achieve their true purpose. Only when these beings reach self-enlightenment will they remember their past lives and purpose on Earth. Who knows, maybe you’re a Starseed!

God as Creator

The most recent results from a Gallup poll, which occurred in 2019, revealed the most popular theories for the origin and evolution of humankind in relation to God as Creator. Three possible answers were offered to survey takers: (1) Humans evolved with God guiding the journey over millions of years, (2) Humans were created by God in their present form around 100,000 years ago, and (3) Humans evolved without God’s intervention over millions of years.

The same question has been asked since 1982 and has yielded 14 years of solid results. Even in 2019, as sentiments toward agnosticism and atheism grow, the prevailing beliefs surrounding humankind’s creation and journey on Earth involve God in the process.

The most consistent response? In every one of the poll’s results except one, 40% or more of those surveyed answered that they believed humans have evolved with the guidance of God. Close behind, consistently polling at over one-third of those surveyed, is the belief that God created humans in their present form. Answers of “no opinion” or the idea that humans evolved with no divine intervention consistently poll at meager numbers. It was not until 2019 that at least 22% responded with the third option.

What do these results tell us? The theories surrounding God’s intervention in the creation and guidance of the universe are compelling and well-received. Around 70% of those surveyed feel the presence of God in their lives, one way or the other, or at least are willing to admit that it’s very likely divine intervention is real. Further, a majority of the population receives scientific knowledge and advancements withl the acknowledgment that they do not disprove the possibility of a divine presence.

There are many theories surrounding God’s role in the creation and evolution of the universe. Many of these theories are widely held by Christians and Jews, such as the story of Creation and Adam and Eve in the Bible. At the very least, the story is a metaphor for how God set up our world and race to many religious people. Some believe that the planet and humans have not evolved but exist precisely how God created them. Others believe that God created us and the universe with the ability to evolve, only intervening to guide the process subtly.

Other religions have their own stories of Creation. In Hinduism, the three gods of creation, destruction, and preservation continually cycle the existence of the material world. Islam shares the story of Creation with Judaism and Christianity but recounts it much more generally. They believe all humankind comes from Adam, and many believe the story supports the Big Bang theory.

God as Creator is a well-received theory because God means so many things. This theory does not only include the Christian, Islamic, or Jewish gods, but God as a divine being throughout all different religions. Religion itself goes back further than humankind can remember. The feeling that something bigger than ourselves is out there, and that our race has a divine purpose and potential, is an innate gut feeling built into our existence.

Consciousness-Birthed Reality

Scientists and philosophers have been battling with the concept of consciousness for hundreds of years. From René Descartes to Thomas Nagel, different theories about consciousness and how it affects our existence have arisen, evolved, and collapsed. Does our brain create consciousness? Does consciousness create us? Is consciousness real at all?

There are so many questions to ponder, yet doing so can lead us to feel small and disillusioned. It can even send some into panic as they consider that nothing around them is real at all! How do we tackle these theories? Let’s go over them, starting with dualism and materialism.

RenĂ© Descartes argued that human existence is split into two parts – the body and the mind. In this strain of thought, our physical bodies exist and function in the physical world. In the immaterial world, our consciousness and souls exist. In direct opposition, materialism argues that our brains are part of our physical bodies and create the illusion of more immaterial things, such as our souls and consciousness, using neural activities.

How do these theories relate to humankind’s origin and existence? Many who believe there is an immaterial aspect to our existence hold the theory that at least part of our human experience lives in the conscious. For example, our feelings, souls, and other divine aspects have no basis in our physical bodies. Further, some believe that nothing physical actually exists at all–it is the consciousness that creates our human experience, built with illusions of a physical world.

Even further: is it possible that only one consciousness exists, meaning that there are not billions of people, but just one being in existence that lives in its own creation?

Taking a step back, we can assess the different levels of consciousness. How can we explain the states of mind that people are in when they experience a coma, dreams, and otherworldly visions? Can all these levels of consciousness be explained away by the science we already have, or is there still so much more to learn about how our brains and consciousness work?

Scientists continue to struggle to encapsulate the concept of consciousness. While some thinkers argue that there is no need to create new scientific laws and terms for consciousness, given that it is a physical phenomenon, it’s hard to deny that we still know almost nothing about it. Even if consciousness can be bound in scientific laws, those laws are still unknown. Some circles are now exploring the idea that consciousness might have something to do with quantum mechanics, but we have yet to understand these theories fully.

We still don’t know much about how the mind perceives the world and creates our experience, and until we know for sure, there’s no way to discount the theory that our reality is born out of an immaterial consciousness.

Diving Deeper into Our Origin Story

No matter which theories you’re more inclined to believe or consider, it doesn’t negate the fact that our universe and humankind have a story that unites us. As a result, our search for the truth of that story is critical and beautiful. Seeking the truth of that story is also essential to your own self-discovery, and including that intention in your daily practices of meditation and prayer can help you delve deeper into your self-awareness!


When it comes to theories about the origins of the universe and humankind, there’s no way to prove the truth, at least for now. By diving within yourself, you can find truth and light! You are far more powerful than you realize. As living beings, we are responsible for ourselves and ourselves alone, so do the best with the existence you have, no matter where it came from.

Pray for others and the Universe prays for you.


You are a beautiful Living Being filled with light and love, born from stardust. You are unlimited potential in every direction. With a focus on discipline, virtue, and your own goodness, you can become as expanded and liberated as you desire.


There is no “Other.” There is only you experiencing yourself.

The Shankara Experience and Shri Krishna

The Shankara Experience is the world’s most advanced divination system, combining several ancient oracle tools and sacred processes. A session or reading with Shankara is a profound, layered conversation with your vast inner Self, The Divine, or The Universe. Visit

Shri Krishna is a loving spiritual master, teacher, personal guide, clairvoyant, empath, and mystic. He has served thousands of earnest seekers by providing profound answers to their challenges and actionable guidance toward their Self-mastery. He helps spiritually-minded souls connect with their vast, expanded inner Selves to navigate any situation, transcend any circumstance, and liberate in every moment.

Shri Krishna’s mission is to help others source their boundless creativity and joy, embody virtue, heal the depths of their Beings, find the most resounding clarity, and master their lives. He created the divine portal Shankara as a living, relatable oracle to help humanity build inner pathways to The Unlimited, All-Knowing, All-Conscious Universe.

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Krishna Kalesh
Author: Krishna Kalesh

Krishna Kalesh is a mystic who guides people as a Spiritual Guide, Intuitive Reader, Dharma Teacher, and Coach. He has served thousands of people toward their healing and expansion - through personal sessions, mystical readings, courses, and retreats. His mission is to help others source their own boundless creative genius and joy, embody virtue, find clarity, and master their lives. Shri Krishna Kalesh created The Shankara Oracle as a divine portal to The Unlimited, All-Knowing, All-Conscious Universe.

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