The Journey of Manifestation: From Feeling to Awakening – The Shankara Experience

The Journey of Manifestation: From Feeling to Awakening

The Journey of Manifestation: From Feeling to Awakening

Manifestation is not merely a buzzword or a fleeting trend—it’s a profound journey that begins within the depths of our hearts and unfolds into the fabric of the universe. This transformative process, when understood and undertaken with awareness and purity, can lead us toward liberation and enlightenment. In this article, we’ll explore the intricate steps of manifestation, as described in a specific teaching, and discover how to navigate this path in a way that is both relatable and encouraging.

The Genesis: Feelings and Awareness

Our journey begins with a feeling. Every aspiration, every dream, and every desire starts as a feeling within us. The crucial step here is awareness—being fully conscious of our feelings, recognizing them for what they are. This awareness is the seed from which the rest of the process grows.

From Feeling to Action: The Cascade of Transformation

As we nurture our awareness, feelings may dissolve, or they can transform into impulses. These impulses, if not fleeting, solidify into thoughts. It’s at this stage that the ephemeral starts to take a more defined shape. Thoughts then evolve into intentions, marking a commitment to our inner stirrings.

Intention is the crossroads: it can dissipate, or it can ignite a desire. Desires, with their potent energy, can be tricky. They require careful handling—clearing them without suppressing the invaluable lessons they bring is an art. When harnessed correctly, desire propels us into action or, alternatively, into a state of stuckness.

The Duality of Action: Manifestation and Its Outcomes

Taking action is where manifestation begins to materialize in the physical world. Yet, this is not the end but a crucial junction. Action can lead to the creation of good or bad karma, depending on the nature of our attachment to the outcomes and the purity of our intentions.

Pride and attachment, if present, need to be cleared to allow positive karma to flourish. Conversely, if our actions are tainted by ego, negativity, or impurity, we encounter negative karma, which leads to suffering. But here’s the silver lining: suffering, just like pure manifestation, has the power to dissolve the entire cycle—feelings, impulses, thoughts, desires, and karma—thus clearing the way for new beginnings.

The Ultimate Goal: Positive Karma and Enlightenment

Positive karma enriches the soul’s energy bank, contributing to the resolution of past karmas and guiding us on the path toward liberation. This is the essence of manifestation: not merely to create and acquire in the physical realm but to embark on a journey of spiritual growth and enlightenment.

My Process Of Manifestation

Here’s my process of manifestation outlined in a way that might make it more approachable – and realistic for you.

1 – We have a feeling and we are aware of it

2 – Feelings can dissolve or turn to Impulse

3 – Impulse disappears or converts to Thought

4 – Thoughts disappear or result in Intention

5 – Intention can dissolve or result in Desire

6 – Desires can be cleared in a moment but that is difficult. They are best cleaned up so you can then experience the related journey and lessons

7 – Desire results in Stuckness Or Taking Action

8 – Stuckness results in disease, blocked potential, or lost fulfillment

9 – Taking Action results in manifestation and either good karma or bad karma

10 – If the Manifestation includes pride or attachment, this can be cleared and positive karma can be the result

11 – If the Manifestation resulted in unclearable pride or attachment, or was impure, negative, or egoistic, it will result in Negative Karma

12 – If the Manifestation was positive or pure, and there is no pride or attachment, this results in Positive Karma

13 – Positive Karma results in positive energy in your soul’s (memory collection) energy bank – to be used toward resolving or dissolving past or prior karma in the path toward liberation or enlightenment 

14 – Negative karma results in Suffering

15 – Suffering and Pure Manifestation dissolve the feeling, impulse, thought, desire, and karma


Understanding the process of manifestation as a spiritual journey rather than a mere tool for worldly gains shifts our perspective and elevates our experiences. Each step, from the initial feeling to the eventual manifestation and beyond, is an opportunity for learning, growth, and self-improvement.

Here are a few ways to make this process more relatable and encouraging:

Start Small: Begin by manifesting small intentions. Notice how your feelings evolve into desires and how taking action feels. Celebrate each success and learn from every setback.

Be Mindful: Practice mindfulness to become more aware of your feelings, thoughts, and desires. This awareness will help you navigate the process with more clarity and purpose.

Embrace the Lessons: Every step, even the ones that lead to stuckness or suffering, carries valuable lessons. Embrace these as opportunities to grow and evolve.

Focus on the Journey: Rather than fixating on the outcomes, focus on the journey. Enjoy the process of creation, the act of taking action, and the experience of seeing your intentions take shape.

Cultivate Positivity: Keep your intentions pure and your actions positive. This not only ensures good karma but also enriches your journey towards enlightenment.

Manifestation is a powerful process that mirrors the complexity and beauty of human experience. By engaging with it consciously and with a pure heart, we not only bring our desires into reality but also embark on a profound journey of spiritual discovery. Let this understanding be your guide as you manifest your dreams into the world, and may your journey be filled with growth, enlightenment, and boundless positive energy.

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Krishna Kalesh
Author: Krishna Kalesh

Krishna Kalesh is a mystic who guides people as a Spiritual Guide, Intuitive Reader, Dharma Teacher, and Coach. He has served thousands of people toward their healing and expansion - through personal sessions, mystical readings, courses, and retreats. His mission is to help others source their own boundless creative genius and joy, embody virtue, find clarity, and master their lives. Shri Krishna Kalesh created The Shankara Oracle as a divine portal to The Unlimited, All-Knowing, All-Conscious Universe.