Healing - The Shankara Experience - Page 2


Egyptian Priests, Oracles, and Healing Practices: how they sourced knowledge from the gods

Oracles in Ancient Egypt What do you know about Egypt? Anubis, Ra, the pyramids, and the pharaohs, are some of the things you would name. Ancient Egypt was among the best ancient civilizations in history. Tarots, personality cards, oracle boards, and psychic networks are not something new in the modern world. Divination sank its roots …

Egyptian Priests, Oracles, and Healing Practices: how they sourced knowledge from the gods Read More »

Earth Needs More Spirituality, Religion, And Prayer

In today’s world, as the challenges of climate change, inequality, and injustice become ever more pressing, it is increasingly important that we recognize the need for spiritual, religious, and prayerful solutions. As the science of climate change has made clear, the effects of human activity on the environment are real and devastating. Humans must take …

Earth Needs More Spirituality, Religion, And Prayer Read More »

Discover the Beauty of Prayers from Around the World: An Exploration of 20 Unique Styles of Prayer on Earth

Prayer is a powerful tool that has been used by people throughout the ages to connect with the divine, express gratitude, and seek guidance. But, prayers come in many different forms and are practiced in a variety of ways across the world. From traditional religious prayers to unique secular prayers, there is no single right …

Discover the Beauty of Prayers from Around the World: An Exploration of 20 Unique Styles of Prayer on Earth Read More »

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