Seven Ways To Raise Your Vibration Right Now – The Shankara Experience

Seven Ways To Raise Your Vibration Right Now

Seven Ways to Raise Your Vibration Right Now

Raising your vibrations can lead to a more peaceful and harmonious experience in life, positively impacting your well-being, state of mind, and the happiness within your beautiful heart. 

Here are seven specific ways to raise your vibrations and enhance your overall state of being:

1. Chanting: The Symphony of the Soul

Chanting, especially in Sanskrit, is like tuning your soul’s radio to the frequency of the universe. Mantras such as “OM” or “Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu” (may all beings everywhere be happy and free) serve as powerful sonic tools that cleanse the aura and environment. It’s akin to a spiritual detox, flushing out the energetic toxins and refilling your being with pure, cosmic energy.

Imagine chanting as participating in the universe’s oldest choir, where every note you sing aligns you more closely with the cosmic melody. This vibrational symphony helps to dissolve the barriers of time and space, bringing you into a state of deep presence. It’s in this sacred now that you shed layers of worry, doubt, and fear, allowing your natural vibrational frequency to soar.

2. Meditation: The Inner Cosmos Exploration

Meditation is not just a practice but a journey to the core of your being. It’s akin to a daily rendezvous with your inner universe, where you learn the language of silence and stillness. This profound encounter with your inner self is a direct line to the Divine, a space where the chatter of the world falls away, and you can hear the whispers of the cosmos.

By dedicating time each day to this practice, you build a sanctuary within, a refuge from the storms of daily life. It’s here, in the quietude of your being, that you discover the peace and harmony that is your true nature. This inner equilibrium radiates outward, enhancing your vibrational frequency and strengthening your divine connection.

3. Set Quality Intentions: Crafting the Blueprint of Your Destiny

Setting quality intentions is akin to drawing a map of the treasure you seek, with the treasure being the life you desire. These intentions, when seeded with positivity and a firm belief in their fruition, act as beacons, guiding the universe’s energy towards your goals. It’s essential, however, to ensure these intentions are purified and aligned with your highest Self, free from the ego’s shadow.

Imagine each intention as a seed, with its potential bound only by the quality of care you provide. Water these seeds with your actions and nourish them with your belief. As they take root, visualize them growing into beautiful flowers, each petal a testament to your alignment with your higher purpose. This process not only elevates your vibration but also forges a clearer, more vibrant path to divine synchronicity.

Incorporating these practices into your daily routine can transform your life in profound ways. Chanting reacquaints you with the ancient rhythms of the universe, meditation reveals the boundless peace within, and setting quality intentions invites the universe to co-create your reality. Together, they form a trinity of practices that elevate your vibration and enhance your divine connection, guiding you towards a life of deeper meaning and spiritual fulfillment.

4. Forgive Someone: The Liberation of the Heart

Choosing to forgive is akin to releasing a heavy anchor that’s been dragging your spirit down into the murky depths. Forgiveness is not just an act of kindness towards another; it’s a profound act of self-love. By forgiving, you cut the cords of resentment that bind you to past pains, allowing ancient, stagnant energies to be released. This act cleanses your heart and spirit, making room for pure love and light to flood in.

Visualize forgiveness as a divine alchemy where bitter grievances are transformed into golden freedom. This transformation isn’t just about letting someone else off the hook; it’s about liberating your own heart. As you forgive, you’ll find your vibration lifting, buoyed by the lightness of being that comes from genuine release. This opens up your life to new, expansive opportunities, as if the universe itself expands to fill the space once occupied by old resentments.

5. Connection with Nature: Earth’s Healing Symphony

Immersing yourself in nature is like tuning into Earth’s gentle yet profound frequency, a natural vibration that heals and harmonizes. Every leaf, breeze, and babbling brook sings a part of this living symphony, inviting you to join in its timeless dance. Engaging in activities like hiking, gardening, or simply basking in the serene beauty of a park can rejuvenate your spirit and align your energy with the Earth’s high vibrational frequency.

For an intimate connection with Mother Earth, try burying your feet beneath the soil. This grounding practice, known as “earthing,” allows you to absorb the Earth’s healing energy directly, like plugging into a cosmic charger. It’s a physical and metaphorical reconnection to the source of all life, reminding us of our place in the natural world and revitalizing our energy from the ground up.

6. Positive Relationships: The Harmonious Echo of Love

Surrounding yourself with positive relationships is like living in a resonant chamber where every interaction amplifies love, respect, and inspiration. These relationships are the human equivalent of a nourishing ecosystem, where every individual thrives because of the support and energy exchange within the community. Spending time with people who lift you up and reflect the best parts of you back to yourself helps to maintain a high vibrational state, creating a feedback loop of positive energy.

Think of each positive relationship as a note in a grand, harmonious melody. When played together, these notes create a symphony of human connection that resonates with the frequency of love. This doesn’t mean every moment will be perfect, but the overall composition is uplifting and enriching. These connections act as beacons, guiding us toward our higher selves and fostering a communal vibrational elevation that ripples out into the world.

Incorporating these practices into your life not only elevates your own vibration but also contributes to a collective rise in consciousness. Forgiveness frees you from the past, connecting with nature recharges your spirit, and nurturing positive relationships creates a supportive network of love and respect. Together, these practices weave a tapestry of spiritual well-being, connecting you more deeply with the Divine and with the essence of who you truly are.

7. Practice Compassion: The Heart’s Unifying Force

Practicing compassion is akin to watering the gardens of humanity with the soul’s purest essence. This deliberate cultivation of empathy and kindness towards others acts as a beacon of light in a world that often shadows in indifference. When you choose to engage in compassionate acts, understanding, and forgiving, you’re not just altering the external circumstances; you’re transforming your own inner landscape.

Imagine compassion as a golden thread that weaves through the tapestry of existence, connecting heart to heart in a web of shared humanity. Each act of kindness, each gesture of understanding, strengthens this web, making it more resilient and vibrant. As you give compassion, you also receive it, creating a cycle of positive energy that elevates not only your vibration but also that of those around you.

Compassion asks us to look beyond our own experiences and perspectives, to see the world through another’s eyes, and to respond with love. This doesn’t mean negating your own feelings or needs but expanding your awareness to include the feelings and needs of others. It’s recognizing that at our core, we are all made of the same stardust, seeking connection, understanding, and love.

The Ripple Effect of Compassion

As you practice compassion, you’ll notice a ripple effect. Your actions inspire others, creating a cascade of kindness that can transform communities and, eventually, the world. This ripple effect is the vibrational upliftment in action—a testament to how individual shifts in consciousness can contribute to a collective rise in vibrational harmony.

Compassion as a Path to the Divine

Furthermore, compassion is a direct path to experiencing the Divine within and around us. It’s through the heart’s opening, in acts of pure love and understanding, that we glimpse the unity of all existence. This realization that we are all interconnected is a profound spiritual awakening, aligning us more closely with our highest selves and the universal forces.

By integrating compassion into your daily life, you engage in a sacred practice that not only elevates your vibration but also brings you into deeper alignment with the essence of who you are and the interconnected web of life. This is the heart of spiritual evolution—a journey not just of personal awakening but of collective healing and transformation.


You are a divine Being filled with love and light. Your vibration is a continuous journey, and it’s okay to have moments when your energy feels lower. 

Acknowledge and honor your emotions while focusing on the practices that uplift you. As you incorporate these strategies into your life, you’ll find your Self experiencing greater well-being, mental clarity, emotional balance, and an open heart, which are all signs of elevated vibrations.

The Shankara Oracle can help you cleanse your mind and heart, availing you to the highest vibrations and frequencies.

Krishna Kalesh
Author: Krishna Kalesh

Krishna Kalesh is a mystic who guides people as a Spiritual Guide, Intuitive Reader, Dharma Teacher, and Coach. He has served thousands of people toward their healing and expansion - through personal sessions, mystical readings, courses, and retreats. His mission is to help others source their own boundless creative genius and joy, embody virtue, find clarity, and master their lives. Shri Krishna Kalesh created The Shankara Oracle as a divine portal to The Unlimited, All-Knowing, All-Conscious Universe.